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Mike Stewart

VP of Sales

Wave Wave

Carpe Diem

Latin for “Seize the day” I have instilled this in myself, my career, and my family. Every individual has the opportunity to do great things, you just have to want it and put in the effort! At Couts this is what I see, the constant drive, motivation, and teamwork from office to the field is what has made this company one of the top competitors in the mechanical industry.

Growing up in Riverside, California I had a normal childhood. I spent most of my time playing football and weightlifting. If I wasn’t doing that, I would be playing sports in the streets with my friends. You don’t really see too much of that anymore. I graduated high school and then started my career in the Pipe Trades as a Pipefitter. My father helped me join the union and that is where boys become Men!

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

I have been fortunate to have some very awesome mentors in my life. My Father was first and foremost a Vietnam vet, a Marine, then a Union Steamfitter. He was one of the toughest men and hardest workers I know. His intelligence was off the charts! He is responsible for my great work ethic and my motivation to be the best.

My next mentors were right here at Couts. I had many highly intelligent and highly motivated supervisors that would stop at nothing to teach me anything I wanted to know. I wanted that, I wanted to be that I focused all my efforts to become that. Giving back by mentoring people is such a passion of mine. Who knows, maybe I will be in someone’s Bio one day!

Family, it’s not an important thing. ITS EVERYTHING

I found my wife early in life and she has been such a great motivator and has given me the courage and strength to excel in my career. We brought four beautiful kids into this world, and they are my weakness. There is nothing I will not do for them, and the bad thing is they know it. At one point we had a fifth kid in our house that we fostered for 2 years. The adventures that we have been on and the time we have spent together are priceless. My wife and I have coached our kinds in many sports over the years and now most of our time is spent on the wrestling mats, whether it is for Wrestling or Ju-jitsu you can always find us on the mats.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it

I am now working in the office with the management team as the Vice President of Sales and it has truly been an awesome experience. The relationships that have been built in the office and the field is what it is all about. My focus has changed to finding new technology, new systems and to stay abreast and ahead of the future. Not a very easy task as the world is changing so quickly. But the challenge was accepted.